Wednesday, May 6, 2009

phase 3 continues

OK,I was sick in the last a few weeks and didn't update my blog for a while.
Here is what happened after April 13.
So, time was running out. That was the night before phase 3 critique. I was stuck somewhere, thinking about the theme of this project. It was so quite in the morning around 2:32, the sound of clocks faded in, sounded clear and clearer, started taking up the space, and filling up my mind.
It seemed something interesting within these key words.

Then I turned the clock on my table closer to the Mic, recorded 1 min using Audacity. Then I listened to the recorded piece. It sounded very simple, maybe too simple,actually boring. I was a bit disappointed.
3:12, I tried some other crazy ideas, most of them had horrible sound qualities, turned out to be a group of nonsense of meaningless nonsense.
4:30. I was so upset. OK, time to give up.
I woke up at 8:30, felt like shit.
Around 10:15, I got a seat in the lab, didn't bring any phase 3 working file with me. Only 9 people showed up and did critique that day. And after listening to those pieces did by others, I felt lucky that I didn't show my stupid things in front of the class. By that time I just told everyone I had a backup idea.
Yes, I had to got something.
I was too ambitious to try to play with sound. I was simply not good at it.
So, now I think it could be OK to be simple, as long as the concept worked.

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